Take Back Control of Your Life
Get help navigating high conflict divorce and narcissistic partners
Coaching in-person in Littleton and online throughout Colorado
Another day, another exhausting battle.
The attorney quietly holds the door to the courtroom open as you leave.
Your hands are shaky and clammy. Your best outfit wrinkled after hours of harrowing testimony.
This process is draining, demoralizing, and, worst of all, there is no end in sight.
All you wanted was a simple divorce.
Everyone told you that the pain would be over quickly, but they were wrong.
What you hoped would be an amicable separation has become anything but.
Every single topic seems to become a point of endless contention.

Your Ex is out for blood.
It has become apparent that the person you married has no intention of letting this arrive at a peaceful resolution.
Every time the mail arrives, you wince as you find yet another useless motion filed against you.
The “win at all costs” game your Ex is playing seems to have no bounds.
Now your children are being used against you.
Just when you thought they couldn’t sink any lower, they have gotten your kids involved.
Knowing that your children are the most important thing in your life, your Ex becomes laser-focused on depriving you of your relationship with them.
Through a series of lies, misrepresentations, and twisting of the facts – the truth is manipulated to paint you in the worst possible light.

Your kids are your heartbeat, your whole world…
…Without them, you’re not sure how you would go on.
Friends and family try to offer help, but none of them can provide any real path forward.
Navigating day-to-day life has become an insurmountable task. This feeling of hopelessness is suffocating.
But there is another way.
Imagine waking up one morning and realizing that you slept through the night, for the first time since you can remember.
Your children don’t have to feel torn between their parents; they are equally loved for who they are, whomever they’re with.
No more constant court appearances. A job that you can focus on. A home that is comfortable and welcoming.
And hope. Hope for what you were afraid you would never have again; a future.
It is possible.

Let me help you end the chaos.
Move beyond the loneliness, powerlessness, and feelings of being manipulated.
Learn to take control of your relationships and start living the life you deserve.
Hi, I’m Natalie.
And I’m here to help you through the nightmare of your high conflict divorce.
I know the helplessness of feeling like your family is crumbling and the fear of not being able to protect your kids.
I am here to listen, teach, and guide you to where YOU want to be when this divorce is over.

What a High Conflict Divorce
Coach can Do for You – Services
Specialized Coaching
For those times you need help with a quick problem, usually
something that takes only a little guidance to fix.
Kickass Coaching Program
You will never know how strong you are
until being strong
is the only choice you have.
Whoopass Coaching Program
If you feel manipulated
and stuck by your Ex,
help is available.
Stay-a-Badass Coaching
This program is for you if… you are in the middle of a costly, win-lose, children-caught-in-the-middle power play.
Badass Co-Parenting 101
Find balance and cooperation
in your co-parenting.
How do you know if you are in a high
conflict divorce?
In a standard divorce, people have grown apart for various reasons and decide they
would rather live the rest of their lives apart rather than married.
It's Just Not Amicable
One Party Dominates the Process
Money and Power Turn Into Dangerous Weapons
You Tried to Hurt ME!
In a standard divorce, people have grown apart for various reasons
and decide they would rather live the rest of
their lives apart rather than married.
1.5 years in family court and just short of 85k; I had to ask myself; how did it get this far and what role did I play in all of this?
The truth is, my communications were scrutinized and judged based on performance; which ultimately placed my parental rights in jeopardy.
I realized that my overly conscientious approach worked against me. My communications with my ex put me into fight, flight or freeze mode. Paralyzing me to the point where I delayed opening them, and had agonizing repetitive thoughts over my response. Was it too short, Too much, Too firm, Too nice, not nice enough? etc. I continuously took the bate.
With Natalie’s coaching, I gained clarity, self awareness, and important skills necessary to communicate effectively in high conflict situations. I am now able to express the needs of our children effectively. Her past experience in the court system provides her with multiple perspectives; from multiple lenses.
Later, I went on to represent myself pro se against a malpractice attorney and won my case. I believe Natalie’s coaching contributed to presenting myself, and my case effectively.
Thank you Natalie! Knowing you are only a phone call away is a weight lifted off of my shoulder.
Natalie Van Note, LPC, CFI, IMBA | Licensed Professional Counselor