“There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties,
or you alter yourself to meet them.”
-Phyllis Bottome
Co-parenting was not on your radar.
While getting divorced, you suddenly became a single parent, but no one taught you how to “co-parent.” Co-parenting sucks.
Now you’re in the weeds, unable to resolve issues with your Ex without arguing.
Yesterday, you two argued about which house should store the kids’ band instruments and soccer equipment. Neither of you thought to ask the kids what they preferred; it was all about your wants and needs.
How did it get so messed up?
Your Ex has already moved on and has a new spouse with a baby on the way. But they are still trying to dictate every kids’ exchange. You live alone, depressed every day that you don’t get to see your children. Oops, OUR children.
Part of you also feels ticked off because your Ex filed motions to solve problems in parenting time rather than talking to you.
Last week, the Ex blamed you for the kids coming home from your house to their house in a “happy, silly mood” and assumed they didn’t want to be with them that day – which had to be all your fault.
You must have coached them NOT to like to be at your Ex’s house. So, they file another motion to limit your parenting time.

Co-parenting must get better. Right?
You feel desperate to get co-parenting right one way or another because things are miserable right now. How do you co-parent when you don’t even talk to each other without arguing or litigating? How do you show love to your kids without it looking like you’re trying to “alienate” them from your Ex?
It’s like walking through a minefield trying to guess the best way to act toward your Ex, so you can positively co-parent because no one seems to know how to show you the best way to do it.
Sometimes, it seems like the best way to solve everything is to let the kids decide who they want to be with, but then, you feel that pit in your stomach, the one that knows that’s the wrong decision for your children to make ANY time.
Caught in the middle equals poor parenting and the absence of any co-parenting.

There is a way out of this state of misery to a state of freedom.
Nothing has gone right since your Ex petitioned for divorce until now. Your parenting has been emotionally dysregulated, whether by choice or accident. And your Ex’s co-parenting is just as awful.
What’s the first step out of this pit? By using a high conflict divorce coach like me, you can ensure that you and your Ex have closure to your marriage and peaceful beginnings in your new roles as heads of two new family units.
I will teach both parents how to communicate safely and calmly without involving the children. You will learn to bond differently during and after divorce to start approaching parenting in a “together/co” manner.
The best thing you will learn is avoiding putting your kids in the middle of your broken relationship and observing how to perfect your listening and doing skills, using them to hear your children’s needs before you speak.
Find balance and cooperation in your co-parenting.
Now that co-parenting is on your radar and the current flight pattern is not good, it’s time to contact me.
While working together, you will realize that feelings – even negative ones – ARE what they ARE. Your job is to set your emotions aside when they arise, even when your Ex triggers them, and learn to focus on your kids’ well-being.
It’s essential to prepare your kids for transitioning appropriately between homes after visitation so they won’t experience anxiety saying goodbye.
What Makes This the Right Program for you?
In a standard divorce, people have grown apart for various reasons and
decide they would rather live the rest of their lives apart rather than married.
If you feel caught in the middle of your co-parenting nightmare in a high-conflict divorce, you have come to the right place. Let me show you a different way to co-parent peacefully, not vindictive or overwhelming. Don’t delay; contact me at
(303) 264-9598 today!

Don’t Wait for Divorce To Take Your Life Away From You.
Make the Future You Want Today!