“There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties,
or you alter yourself to meet them.”
-Phyllis Bottome
Worry has been your constant companion lately.
The days and nights very rarely go according to plan, and it’s getting exhausting.
Last night, your Ex was two hours late getting the children home from dinner – the one who laughed when you said you were worried sick about not seeing them on time.
Sometimes the Ex threatens to “take” the kids – just because he enjoys seeing you squirm, and he thinks you would never actually do anything about it. The kids mention that your Ex keeps talking about taking them on a long trip somewhere, “sometime soon.”
Your stomach is in knots constantly because you cannot trust what lengths your Ex will go to strike another emotional blow to you.

Because you feel so nervous, you feel stuck.
“If I make any move, my Ex will take the kids from me,” you reason.
Your attorney has a legal plan, but it doesn’t help you deal with your Ex’s emotional ploys day-to-day.
You have no strategic plan and don’t know where to start to get one – at least one that will work.
As a result, the Ex runs the show like a puppeteer while divulging all the divorce details to the kids – putting them square in the middle, forcing them to “choose” a parent – your worst-case scenario.
Now big questions about the future flood your mind.
You need to know how to divorce someone with a high conflict personality without losing yourself and the children in the process.
Coming out of this divorce with no losses requires learning the right strategic and emotional skills.
Save money and time in your divorce process? You don’t even know where to begin.
All you know is that you need a fantastic daily strategy because nothing your friends, therapist, or anyone else suggested has worked thus far.
Your kids don’t want to divide their love between parents; it’s not natural and makes them feel awkward.
If you feel manipulated and stuck by your Ex, help is available.
Whether you are going through your divorce or post-divorce motions, HCDC can assist you on a daily level to maximize results in your divorce.
Work with a seasoned high conflict coach to see what “fair proceedings” are supposed to be.
Consult weekly with your coach and develop plans to propel you out of the “stuck-ness.”
You can regain your momentum!

The process starts with choosing the right coach.
When you work with me, you get over 22 years of experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor and the same number of years of experience in family law – as a CFI, mediator, etc.
At HCDC, I will tell you when to push forward, back off strategically, and defer to your attorney when needed.
You will always get the best guidance from me.
Learn the skills needed to Whoop some ass!
Use flexible thinking and creative strategies to develop impactful courses of action that lead to more “wins,” not more wasted time.
Learn how to write comprehensive plans to follow weekly.
Try exercising additional skills that will help you master sharing parenting time with a narcissistic Ex.
Deal with any alienation behaviors and learn to understand your children’s emotions when they get home from visitation so that you can nip the seeds of alienation in the bud.
What Makes This the Right Package for you?
In a standard divorce, people have grown apart for various reasons and
decide they would rather live the rest of their lives apart rather than married.
Prepare now to act, speak, and feel the way you WANT.
Choose this more comprehensive Whoopass Program.
Put yourself and your children first; don’t waste time without a high conflict divorce coach, especially one with over 20 years of experience.
Call (303) 264-9598 or email me today. I look forward to working with you!

“There was so much endless litigation and frustration with the process of divorce.
Natalie really helped me sort through it all.”
This program gets right down to the nitty-gritty: how do I divorce someone with a high-conflict personality without losing myself and our children in the process?
What are the steps I take daily to make this happen?
How can I save money and time from the beginning or wherever I am in the process?
I need a strategy because what I am doing hasn’t worked. This program answers these questions and more and gets you back to normalcy.
Don’t Wait for Divorce To Take Your Life Away From You.
Make the Future You Want Today!